Kamis, 26 Oktober 2017

Untuk PARAMABIRA dan Hati Kita

Kepada setiap orang dalam perjuangan di balik kemenangan Maasmechelen yang beralih fungsi menjadi rumah tempat rasa hatiku berpulang.

P.S: Gak akan lupa pagi hari 6 Oktober, betapa sedihnya kita diingatkan seberapa sayangnya kita pada sosok Rainier Revireino, seberapa besar ingin kita yg sama untuk bawa pulang kemenangan untuk Indonesia, serta serentetan kata-kata ini, 

"Gue gak tau kapan akan nyanyi lagi sama kalian. Mungkin ini terakhir kali.." (Hegra Soetrisno)

"Kita semua sayang Pepi kan? Sebentar lagi Pepi ultah. Dia udah memberikan lebih dr porsi seorang pelatih. Ayo kita kasih yg terbaik juga buat Pepi." (Eduard Pratama)

"Gue adalah orang pertama di keluarga gue yg pernah ke Eropa.." (Jonathan Edward)

"... meski bosen gimanapun, setidaknya kita ada. Duduk di belakang laki-lakinya, kita support mereka, kita support satu sama lain." (Yohana Theresia Stefani)

Astaga. Terima kasih atas tahun terbaik dalam hidupku, PARAMABIRA.

Kamis, 19 Oktober 2017

Maascmechelen, 2017

My Paramabira,
congratulations on our achievements:

2nd place of Mixed Choir Category,
2nd place of Equal Voice Category,
Best Performance of the Compulsory Work of Mixed Choir, and 
The Prize of the Audience.


Ketika tujuan dan keinginan kita yang sama menjadi doa yang terwujud,
tetaplah merunduk seperti padi yang menguning,
tapakkan kakimu pada tanah, kariblah dengan ibu bumi.
Ketika kau telah menerima kebaikan semesta sebaik ini, tengadahlah,

di bawah Tuhan yang menjelma malam,
dalam takzim dan sembah semahdi,
mengucap syukurlah,

mengucap syukurlah sepenuh hati.


I am so proud of us.

Singing Marendeng Marampa (Arr. Hegra Soestrisno)

Piso Surit (Arr. Amilio Fahlevi) is one of the best Indonesian folksong I've sung.

Details, hand gestures, crumples, and gold finishes.

My precious, I present you, the male choir.

When feminism is not an issue.

Close up look to the basses section.

Singing Ahtoi Porosh, one of the best piece they brought that I loved.

Singing Yamko Rambe Yamko (Arr. Agustinus Bambang Jusana).

Tenors and their expressions.

The eminent Gayatri Mantram, on pitch.

The complete mixed choir, and I was smiling 'cause I was living a life.

Having this idea crystal clear in my head before even taking it.

Now that it ends, 
I found out somehow that
there's nothing more frightening than
having your dreams come true.

Senin, 16 Oktober 2017

Dalam Perjalanan ke Tempat Latihan

Here are some pictures that Audy took, just to remind me of how amazing nature is when it comes to autumn. We got to walk a lot, minutes spent admiring beautiful greeneries and blue skies. While having melodies wryly ringing on our hearts, with heart as light as the first December snow.

MiMA -- and Sir Joan Cornella hanging there.

A morning walk to the studio.

Was waiting for the light to turn green.

Walked pass this structured red bridge.

I was so happy, living life.

The garden nearby we crossed.

Pigeons eating whole bread.

One of Brussels' best museum I've seen.

The color changes as the autumn came.

The other side of the museum.

In front of the studio we rehearsed. 

While waiting to get inside.

The road full of cars, sometimes people pass by, and uniform blocks of building.

I'll miss this. I will, I definitely will.